
Monster Character Profile


Name: MY monster mates name is – TOM PRIOR



TOM Prior is a Hot  looking monster and always loves to Swim. Tom prior has 3 tattoos they all have means prior is a kind looking Monster but is mean to its owners. 


His owner’s name is Lesley Campbell. She’s so mean just like her monster Prior 5’5 and her owner is 5’2 , and Lesley Campbell likes netball but her 5’5 Monster likes to watch the UFC Because one day TOM Prior 



Hairy , Ugly , Annoying , like the grinch , Smelly , Big eyes , Scary , Crazy . 

Prior is an ugly looking monster and he smells and he loves being around Ash-Tray but when Prior and Ash-Tray hangout Ash-tray to shower because he smells.


Then Prior goes home and he tells Lesley that that Ash-Tray is being mean to him and now Prior knows how people feel when he starts to bully and Prior tells lesley Campbell that Ash-Tray called him a Traffic Light and then Lesley tells Prior to tell Ash-Tray that hes not a traffic light his just a colorful Monster With Red and White eyes and Green,red And orange body.


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